13C-NMR Match | Information Search | Advanced Search
No. of Data Entries : 1684748 by 07/04/2024 13:07:23


The company

Shanghai Micronmr Infor Technology Co., Ltd was established in March 2010, dedicating to build the world’s largest 13CNMR database for index.

After years of research and development, we are proudly to introduce you the MICRONMR database. It is an expanding repository of NMR data on organic compounds, now its entries up to 701,635, with the growth at the speed of 100,000 per year. It is such a powerful tool that can help you to easily identify NEW and Known compounds.

Once submitting 13C NMR to MICRONM, you may get the exact or similar structure quickly. For other information of compounds, you may try search by Keyword, including Compound Name, Formula, Author, Genus and Species. With the MICRONMR, the determination time can be dramatically reduced from previously several weeks or months to few minutes or seconds. You may gain a lot of savings in aspect of time and effort.

We are looking forward for your enquiry!

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